Mar 28, 2022
In Ep. 211, Dave & Jessica discuss Gangsta Night, ARPA abuse, the challenge to MTG’s candidacy, Trump v. Clinton 2022, and the latest mask-based lawsuit on ADA standards.
Mar 21, 2022
Mar 14, 2022
In Ep. 209, Dave & Jessica discuss gas prices, SpacePort Camden’s implosion, ‘Don’t Say Gay’ in Georgia, the bill to require businesses give exact change, and the retirement of Senator Jeff Mullis.
Mar 7, 2022
In Ep. 208, Dave & Jessica discuss the 2022 State of the Union, Greene & Boebert yelling, Biden’s SCOTUS nomination, last week in the Georgia legislature, the pro-government SCOTUS ruling on CIA black sites, and the plan to hurry up and spend money.