Aug 26, 2019
In Episode 79, we discuss New Jersey’s injunction of the assisted suicide law, Robin Stern of Paulding County’s “Be Better, Not Bitter” joins the show for a Community Spotlight, and we dive into the border matters including the financial chokehold on the private prison industry and warrantless searches of...
Aug 19, 2019
In Episode 78, we discuss the Chrisley indictments, the IRS pushing for passport revocation because of unpaid taxes, the backfiring of a license plate displaying ‘null,’ the use of planes to surveill a community...again, and Facebook announces another anti-privacy practice. Bonus +++ Jessica talks Ohio State &...
Aug 12, 2019
In Episode 77, we discuss felony charges mid-air for a profanity-laced rant, the state leading the charge against a landlord on behalf of his renters, and another city that’s using the law to force a landlord to evict a tenant he’d like to keep.
Aug 5, 2019
In Episode 76, we tackle various aspects of parenting. Discussion includes the City of Moultrie’s symposium on corporal punishment, whether or not parents can properly educate their children during the summer, and the harrowing story of a Georgia family who fled when DFCS recommended the removal of their children.